Name server lookup / DNS record lookup

Search Engine Optimization

Find DNS records

Enter a URL

About Find DNS records

Name server lookup - DNS record lookup is a 100% Free tool. If you want to check for a website's DNS records, you will need to use an SEO tool to collect and view these records for you. To try this, go to and scroll down the icons from your search window before you see the 'Find DNS records' icon and click on it. Otherwise, you should use your search browser to copy / past

If you're at the venue, type in the website name whose DNS records you 'd like to get it. Click 'Send' and it will return the domain's DNS records in seconds. You can see all the DNS records for a website here.

All this information found in the DNS records is extremely helpful when it comes to understanding the context in which a website operates and the parameters associated with it.

You can also do a search for Google DNS, a scanning DNS, and digging DNS documents.